What is Twitter Marketing-What Skill Ferr can be sold on Twitter?


Twitter is one of the most famous long range informal communication stages today. You may be surprised to know that in the beginning the number of users was very low. And the number of its users around the world today is around 30 billion. Twitter marketing is about delivering ads to those who use Twitter. You can promote video, audio text, etc. on Twitter as an advertisement. You can exchange messages using 140 character words for text.

What is Twitter Marketing-What Skill Ferr can be sold on Twitter?

Prominence of Tweet is Expanding Step by Step.. Because here you can easily promote your business product to the customer. You may have noticed the importance of Twitter marketing during the American election. Through this, information was exchanged in different places of the country and abroad.

Twitter marketing is a very popular medium today. Using which you can easily promote the ad to a large amount of customers. On Twitter you will find real profiles. Prominent people like politicians, superstars, businessmen mainly use Twitter through real profiles. And they basically run their own accounts. You can earn a lot of money through Twitter marketing.

What Skill Fiber can be sold on Twitter?

I will share 3 services with you today. The services that people sell or earn in the freelancing marketplace.

Twitter Promotion

This job is sold by most people among the services of Twitter. To do this you need to work 3/4 way.

(1) First you have to take the login info of Bayer's Twitter account.

(2) Every day the buyer has to post the Twitter Company Profile at 1/5. Hashtage should be used after researching the buyer's product.

(3) Find out the products of other companies that sell the products of Baybur Company and like and comment on their posts.

(4) Followers must grow every day. The easiest way to tie this is for everyone to use. Follow all the hashtags using the hashtag #followback on Twitter Search. And you can unfollow them the next day. This is a very old method. Marketers still use it. There are other ways. Followers can be increased through paid tool / website.

How much money will you take from the buyer if you work in this way for 30 days?

  • Daily post 5

  • Daily Follower grow 10-50

  • Daily Like comment 15-20

This way it would be better to take Every day 80 to $ 150 per month for daily work calls.

If you can project 5/6 hours per month, then there will be good income.

The other two jobs are Twitter Leads and DM Check.

Talking about these two in the video

I am discussing the services of Twitter in this video. Let me know if you have any questions. I will try to help

What is Twitter Marketing-What Skill Fiberr can be sold on Twitter?


Twitter is a short message communicator or we can call it a microblogging site. Where we can use (280) character words. Twitter is a social media like Facebook. We can post here just like we post on Facebook. A post on Facebook is called a status, and a post on Twitter is called a tweet. On Facebook we can use words as we wish but on Twitter we cannot use more than (280) character words.
There are 23 character words allocated for sharing Twitter links. No matter how big the link is, it is counted as 23 characters. For this reason, Twitter is also called a microblogging site.

Thanks Everyone

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